CMI Learning & Development (CMI-Lead) is a Training Partner of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC, MSDE, GoI), and PBSSD (DTET&SD, GoWB), for Govt, CSR funded & fee based projects under National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). CMI-Lead is also associated with Tata Institute of Social Sciences – School of Vocational Education (TISS-SVE).
CMI-Lead undertakes frontline and grassroot level work in the areas of employability & entrepreneurship, having state-wide intensive & extensive reach. CMI-Lead is the dedicated training arm of founding proposing entity CMI-Corp. CMI-Lead is ISO 29990:2010 certified (Learning Services for Non-Formal Education & Training), and is also registered with NGO Darpan under NITI Aayog. CMI-Lead draws upon the rich industry experience, corporate connect, and infrastructure presence of CMI-Corp, to value add and augment its objectives.

CMI Learning & Development (CMI-Lead) is a Training Partner of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC, GoI Skill India Program) for funded and fee based employability & entrepreneurship development programs. CMI-Lead undertakes frontline work in mobilisation, training, and placement in job or self-employment of under-privileged youth, having intensive & extensive ground reach in multiple geographies. CMI-Lead is also a Hub Partner of Tata Institute of Social Sciences – School of Vocational Education (TISS-SVE) for work integrated B.Voc degree, PG Diploma, and Diploma programs, under National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). CMI-Lead is ISO 29990:2010 (Learning Services for Non-Formal Education & Training) certified.